January 16, 2008


"is that You God?"
This query exists in every Christian for the longest time!
And yet we can never come to a concluding statement.Interesting .The Bible ,a finished written work as it seems ;eaves an unfinished work where it continues to illuminates every part of the readers, gives new insights,rebukes and builds every spiritual ligaments in us as it is being read.

Is the asset to distinguish His and ours.
Knowing someone is not an instant bite in a sachet.Instead its an investment of time, effort and interest .

Similiarly God is a person.
Are we madly in love with His interests? or Him?
Would we live sacrificially as He did? (Rom 15:1-7)
Do we all ever come to concluding end of knowing who He is?

heres a link for interest as to KNOWING HIS VOICE and OUR VOICE.
Look it up.


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