June 23, 2008

dare to fail

TODAY's heavvvvyy lesson ;))

Last sat,we had a 11 year old guest who recited word-for-word, NIV from Matthew 5-7.
It was amazing.
No pause, stammer - - it was just PERFECT!

Her testimony,touched me most:
The day of her piano exam, instead of presenting a flawless musical piece, she somehow fumbled.

The crisp of her testimony:
we cannot stop mistakes but we can learn from it & move on.

It is uncessary to delve into what could have taken place when we can look into what can we learn and move on from there.

Dare to dream BIG.
Dare to fail.
Dare to move on.

"Far better it is to dare mighty things,
to win glorious triumphs,
even though checkered by failure,
than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."

--Theodore Roosevelt


Anonymous said...

love the way theodore roosevelt paint the pic of 'DARE'... dare to dream and work it out, it's true in most time we tend to fall back in our comfort zone, knowing the knowing is much comfy than questioning the unknown, don't even think about travelling in it.... i'm the latter, but being tossed back and forth frequently, struggling to make seemingly adventurous n wisest decision, or not... again, dare to be a fool for your big dream is always much worth than the predictable...so comfy or dare, only time can tell.
Half full for me, but i'll prefer a full glass... it means completion. cheers! ~non freakto~

choejessica said...

im not sure what you mean by you are the 'latter' or you being tossed in decisions ...but daring to plunge into a dream of sheer hope with no safety nets is not risk but suicide which defeats the purpose of what I am writing in my blog.hope it turns out ok for you..