January 26, 2008

c o n s c i e n c e ?

Why does this Voice contends with every Thoughts?

It stalks you in that cold alley of mind with no witnesses to testify against it.
No one can see it and yet apparent when situation turns up AGAINST you.
Every niche of a second,sparks the bolts of Gloom.

Knowing it lurked the last time from a blind corner,so you stand ready to oppose.With clinched fist, all set in welcoming its attack, in that split moment, stale whispers from Positivity sets in.On the other side,daunted lyrics of Despair tuned up,louder and louder it gets till it overwhelmed Enthusiasm to fight. In the midst of confussion,the opponent gave great blows of Discouragement,Anxiety, and smacked down with sharp edges from Intimidation.

..left helplessly at the cold alley, suction to reality cuts in.
The Bruised unwinds the clock, Momentum sets the round for the next match and Choices begun.

Its not as easy as Phillippians 4:8
Think again.

January 18, 2008

HEAD above water

wondered how to stay blameless to the end of days,when all manuals to gear a good citizen fails?

heres a clue: Philippians 2:14-16

Rock bottom situations keeps our head above water.
NOT :)

January 16, 2008


"is that You God?"
This query exists in every Christian for the longest time!
And yet we can never come to a concluding statement.Interesting .The Bible ,a finished written work as it seems ;eaves an unfinished work where it continues to illuminates every part of the readers, gives new insights,rebukes and builds every spiritual ligaments in us as it is being read.

Is the asset to distinguish His and ours.
Knowing someone is not an instant bite in a sachet.Instead its an investment of time, effort and interest .

Similiarly God is a person.
Are we madly in love with His interests? or Him?
Would we live sacrificially as He did? (Rom 15:1-7)
Do we all ever come to concluding end of knowing who He is?

heres a link for interest as to KNOWING HIS VOICE and OUR VOICE.
Look it up.


psychdelic moods

weirdos weirdos weirdos
dont they amuse you?
one minute they are high, one minute they are low
was in class yesterday and we had unique individuals!seriously unique!

dont we all have them in our routine daily 'life-classes'?

Today's bite: CONSISTENCY.
the best ground to stick to are those who are consistent in their actions..believe YOU me.haha.Otherwise welcome to PSYCHDELIC world.

here's something to amuse ya.i hope..hehe

January 15, 2008

BREAK free

stuck in-betweens?
there are times we are stuck in between truth & plots.

the difference between these two : integrity.

how often do we give thought to stand on what is just, true , noble and right or even as we read in phil 4:8 if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy to meditate on?

most fall in traps to feed their insecurity through forms of plots, strategies, manipulation and worst still politics. Definately a fine line for survival in the marketplace or even in peers, company but underneath lies dark secrets of pain, bitter-sweet experiences.

Breaking free from in-between situations can be very tough.
In battles there will be casualities and for a soldier to come our from a war without any form of scar (mentally or physically)would be the joke for the battalions.
what will you choose ? integrity or plots?

7 The scoundrel's methods are wicked,
he makes up evil schemes
to destroy the poor with lies,
even when the plea of the needy is just.

8 But the noble man makes noble plans,
and by noble deeds he stands.
Isaiah 32:8

January 13, 2008

shout it out?

listen up or shut up?
when was the last time you wished someone listens to you? your views?
it was taught that the best communication is actually to listen to what the other person is saying to you..but wouldnt that be unfair to yourself?

well we have heard countless times on the BLAME game.
I thought you said,she says, he says,we said.. come to think of it does it matter who say or not? we should look at what can be done or do.

interesting glimpse to look at for now:
how much we have contributed in the whole conversation.
heard of backing words with action?
perhaps its best to keep our words few?

Ecclesiastes 5:2
Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.

January 11, 2008


WOW!!you found me!

hahah im back! haha not sure how frequent i would b able to blog
anyways,been idle observing behaviours, reading, watching and hehe..watching you:)

gosh where to start?
loads of happennings piling to our unpenned life-journals and my time away from blogging has been interesting..

some ..having to face hyped up term of emo-ing, lame, psychotic and definately a lot 'wanna-be's.hehe.
- all famous , noticed and i mean noticed haha
- all secure (you shine!seriously a lot of eyes are on ya.keep it up wei)
- all hidden/ mysterious & unnoticed
- all "i dontknow" & i dont care
some blogs are plain-o self promo..and others you would just fast foward?
there are interesting ones too that provokes thoughts and some savy ones.
heres the updates:
HOT, CHILLED, COOL and plain blur.
random chats so far :*guys : hot chicks? hot babes?*chats for girls: hot guys ? cool ones? any of these familiar to you?

" any hot chicks in that church? ours plain dead!" , "got hot guys meh?", "yerr!!!! you like that one?!", " you are deperate man!"

interesting.what is hot and what is cool?
some have sets standards higher, some lower and some just reset.
new beginnings , new trends, new look , new style?
for me its all a reset.
All over again.what about you ?