hmmph... 25th September 2008
got a call that he will need to get the cyst removed in University Hospital..bulk text messages were sent out to family members, uth church, cell, church, pastors, leaders to pray for him.
Text msg:
Prayer request for Emmanuel: Goin4an operation tis fri,(26/9) to remove a cyst fr his back -Uth Church
thurs : u0620
it is sad to see quite a number of elderly people came on their own to check in for surgery.
there was this elderly 'Indian' man, he went up and down the hall on his own (though i admired his independence, i think it would be better if there was another person to accompany him). one time, he had gone else where & the doc called for him. thats how we knew he is a *singh*
doc :
"Kak mana Juswan Singh ?"
nurse :
" 'Just-One' Singh tadak, cuma Pradip Singh saja!"
nurse :
" 'Just-One' Singh tadak, cuma Pradip Singh saja!"
the funny thing is this : when they call for Pradip Singh, an old lady raised her hand.
The son look at her and said ,
The son look at her and said ,
" You are not Pradip Singh la ma.."
hahahahahah..anyways while waiting for *u0620, a doc or practioner (i duno la -- but she looks inexperience wei!) she drew like ...a lot of blood fr Emm. worst still, she spilled a BIG drop on the floor!
we waited for approximately more than 7hours just to get to *u6020 (*level 6, bed 20) but then with Emm, its NEVER borin'. haha.. & so time pass quickly ;) so it wasnt that bad.
before Emm was told he had to puasa after midnite :
- 3 surgeons checked his back for almost 7times?
finally after the longgggg wait, we finally got to *u0620
puaaaasaaaa fr midnite(fasting) till 3pm the next day (my my..)
knowing hospital food can be quite moderate in their seasoning, and since he can have ANYTHING :) b4 midnite got for him food,drinks , watermelons & some extras as he requested for his roomates.
'pradip singh' is the best. ( remember the singh in the beginning of the story?haha yups he ended in the same ward as Emm.) the fierce , macho looking guy some how cannot match with his voice!
he sounded like a transvestite!
heheheheh ...but then again hats off to the senior guy.
It aint diner till the man farts it all out.
Next to Emm's bed, is an Indian who got diagnosed with bone cancer and he cant move on his own.
dangerous man. very dangerous.
we were about to eat when , the stench, filled the entire ward.
- - he poo-ed.yerrrrrr!
the emergency button, alarmed the ' diaper team ' & whoever is able to move? - - to save themselves.
" ..please help.."
We feel for him. He had to be fed and bathed.
There was one time, he called for Emm.
The nurses did not attend to him so he called Emm to help him move his right leg up and down.
so Emm helped (lurve you loadssss)
4am (fri surgery day)
Thank God for 4am.
the bone cancer Indian man(i forgot his name) was cryin in pain cos the nurses were rough when they cleaned him.
(very creeeeepyyy actually. you can hear screams from other wards during that time cos the nurses cleans up other patients as well who cannot move on their own..its really creepy & heartbreaking oso)
During that interval we couldn't sleep so I gave Emm some buns since breakfast is only served much later.
Breakfast hour arrived.
A nurse gave Emm a new instruction
hahah! gosh good thing he had a bun, a drink and so he was all ready to fast till time for surgery. what we didnt know was, again they changed the hour for surgery. it was pushed earlier to 12noon.
45mins ?
Emm was told that its only a minor surgery so .. he will be on anaesthesia from waist down but when they did an op on him, the surgeons found out there was more to a cyst... 7 cm long?! here's the thing.
im outside of the surgery room thinking its only 45 mins & he didnt come out.
Got so worried. went up to level 6 (the surgery room is on the 2nd floor) thinking that i missed him when he got out.
But *u0620 was empty~
so went down and waited.
3 hours passed . panicked i wanted to intercom the nurse in the surgical ward to update me on Emm's progress.
Just when i was about to press the intercom, "superman" got rolled out.
He was smiling.
What a relief!
Kicking in about 6hours time
The nurses were highlighted about Emm's open wound (yup it is not stitched up :P )
talk about
"superman" God is really gracious and awwweeesome
The doc highlighted to the nurses to give Emm , pain killer jabs cos Emm would feel the pain after the 3rd hour from the time he got out of his anaesthetic condition, and the anaesthetic will only completely wear out on the 6th hour.
so i was believing for a miracle.
sending bulk smses , to request Christian family members and friends to pray for him.
miracle did happen!
he didnt need the pain killer and not only the surgeons were surprised... you can imagine the nurses coming in and out (approximately 7 times asking if he needed a jab or not)
superman indeed ;)
Among other testimonies, still the one thing I thank God for is His presence with Emm and me through the hours of pain, laughter, worries and indeed, when you can't hold on to tangible help, you can always hold on His promises that nothing can separate His love for us.
Lurve you sweetie.