March 19, 2008


Bible look up
Proverbs 16:24 (New International Version)
Pleasant words are a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."

many sweet things has been filling laps of siesta lately
here are some highlights of the month.

definately interesting to have sweet-tooth :)baskin robbin's rum & raisin is a sure thumbs-up!but nothing beats the good affordable oreos McFlurry at Mackers.. YUMMY!

Other 'sweet delicacies' that we constantly savour is being with a great company, experiences & recording memorable events..a good friend of mine commented that no matter how sucky u may be in an event,so long the company is nice, it just doesnt bug. :) So true

another adds to the comment:time seems more precious than money.
time is life.
money is an object.

source: exploring the psychology of scent by Kristen cole

Scent can sum to the whole picture too.
People generally do not give much thought to their sense of smell beyond the pungent odor of a durian or of baking of big apple bagles. Given the choice to lose a big toe or the sense of smell, said Herz, the responses are split down the middle. People would choose the big toe, she said.

But those who lose their sense of smell because of accident or illness also report a loss of emotional richness and, over time, a loss of emotional intensity toward life, according to Rachel Herz. Experiences are flatter, they report.

Herz studies many components of scent-triggered memories. How does the emotional intensity of reaction to a scent compare to the emotional intensity of a memory triggered by a visual cue or word? How accurate is a memory triggered by scent, and how does context influence the perception of odors?

Researchers know that odors don't trigger memories that are any more accurate than the memories triggered by other stimuli, but odors do trigger memories that are more emotional.

So since sweet life long delicacies involves,
great company & time, scent - - are you at the right place,with the right people and the right scent ? - -sweeeet!

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