April 08, 2009


this month is - awesome.
series of events just.. floodin' the calendar...
next goal of mine besides spicin' life ;P would b emmmmm definitely- cookin'.
lurve the satisfied look when they consume my yummy-li-cious food.
b4i start on weird series, lets have sum happy series goin 1st.

chettinaad was the best diner eva! (i think in a few days some1 would make this their hype of 'events'.haha ) anyways, thanks to my sweetiee mom's birthday dinner was a success!
lurve ya!

will post up the pic when i hav the time.. but lately its just bz bz bz.
so yea.. next series? saaaaddd series...hmmph its sad to hear relentless rambles by various individuals how 'some' domineering people can be .
Not only are they over-doing themselves but they can create invinsible audience or seemingly fans for themselves ..wow :/ i wonder how psycho can the get? real pity weii, cos can you imagine the humilitation? i feel for them.. haizz

its like sum reality show?
for some: its very entertaining.
for me ? they publicly display...i would say horrendous performance in their blogs and facebook!
i wouldnt even dare to term it as talent.
...i wonder how many viewers are laughin' their heads off watchin' them.
man it was horrible!
wert were they thinkin?like i said earlier, they need a new cover.

positive thought: if william hung made it, we are definitely sure they too can make it ;P
' keep those chin up!hungs' :D

so there you go 'series'.
of course there are other series not written here ;)
some things you would prefer them reserved . dont we all have those?


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