July 19, 2009

hanging on a string

what can be more happening than puppetry?
their life is hung on a string steered by the puppeteer but more so is the script writer.
we see many imitations of productions which fails to execute what which was intended.
can a life be animated into emotions?
perhaps it may differ in the nature of the purpose of bringing out a message but not so in evangelism.

are we entertainers or living testimonies of Christ?
are we teaching more people to clown around in winning people for Christ than to disciple them in growing in Him? no matter how creative we get, the bottom line in carrying out His message cannot be meddled with thick make ups and fake testimonies through the puppets.
if extremists can say there are no "Christ" mentioned in a song why so should the puppets and clowns testify about Him where they have no life to begin with.

at the end of it, the script writers are the ones who hang their job on the line.
Who is writing your story?
a leader , creator or yourself?

...still clowning and hanging on a string?
when would believers live out boldly as His witnesses?
which would be the ultimate choice?

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